Born in Västerås, Sweden, 1976. Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden

2001-2006 Kungl. Konsthögskolan (Royal Institute of Art), Stockholm, Sweden
2000-2001 Konstskolan Idun Lovén (Art School Idun Lovén), Stockholm, Sweden
1998-2000 Västerås Konstskola (Västerås Art School), Västerås, Sweden

Solo and Trio Exhibitions:
2019 Ur Samlingarna 2011–2019, Bergagalleriet, Solna, Sweden
2018 (funna längst ner i ”samling (det mörkblonda)” – fortsatte sen)/Collection (the dark blonde), arkivgalleri,
2016 ETT ÅR TILL (ONE MORE YEAR), Skärholmen’s library, Stockholm, Sweden
2014 Terese Bolander presenterar Åh Laura (Terese Bolander presents Oh Laura), Skärholmen’s Art Association’s showcase, Skärholmen’s library, Stockholm, Sweden
2013 Jenny *1910 †2006, Motala Konsthall, Motala, Sweden
2011 Papper under sängen 2004-2006 (Papers under the bed 2004-2006), Konst i Västmanlands digitala galleri (Art in Västmanland’s digital Gallery)
2011 Jenny *1910 †2006, Studio 44, Stockholm, Sweden
2010 Jenny *1910 †2006, An exhibition of multiscreen video art on Atopia’s Vitrine, Oslo, Norway
2010 Jenny *1910 †2006, Verkstad – ett rum för konst i Norrköping (Verkstad – a room for Art in Norrköping), Norrköping, Sweden
2009 Jenny *1910 †2006, Västmanlands läns museum (The countymuseum of Västmanland), Västerås, Sweden
2006 Till Mila (For Mila), Galleri Mejan, Stockholm, Sweden

Group Exhibitions:
2022 En linje är helt enkelt en punkt som går på promenad……, Galleri Rostrum, Malmö, Sweden
2021 Supermarket – Stockholm Independent Art Fair, Hjärnstorm’s presentation stand, Stadsgårdsterminalen, Stockholm, Sweden
2020 Terese Bolander & Skärholmens Konstförening, Ateljé SKHLM, Stockholm, Sweden
2020 Open Window, sites: 72 artists’ windows and balconies, Stockholm, Sweden
2019 Hoppla, vi lever, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, Sweden
2019 Skärholmens konstförenings utställning, Skärholmens kyrka, Skärholmsdagen Stockholm, Sweden
2019 Skärholmens konstförenings medlemsutställning, Mikaelikyrkan, Stockholm, Sweden
2018 Konstutställning, Skärholmens Centrum, Skärholmsdagen Stockholm, Sweden
2018 Vårutställning, Mikaelikyrkan, Skärholmen, Stockholm, Sweden
2018 ARTBOX.PROJECT New York 1.0, the Stricoff Gallery, New York, USA
2017 Vinterutställning 2017, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, Sweden
2017 Höstsalongen, Konsthall Märsta, Märsta, Sweden
2017 Konstutställning på Bredängs folkliga kulturfestival, Jakobsbergs gård, Stockholm, Sweden
2017 Vårutställning, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, Sweden
2017 Skärholmens konstförenings medlemsutställning, Mikaelikyrkan, Stockholm, Sweden
2016 Loggbok, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm
2016 CHEAPART, 25 A, Metaxa str, Athens, Greece
2016 CHEAPART, TIF/Helexpo, Thessaloniki, Greece
2015 Huset, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm
2015 ARTmART, Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria
2015 Skärholmens konstförenings medlemsutställning, Mikaelikyrkan, Skärholmen, Stockholm, Sweden
2014 KONST NU, Konsthall Märsta, Märsta, Sweden
2012 Supermarket (Stockholm independent art fair), Hjärnstorm’s presentation stand, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
2011 Konstutställning, unga lovande konstnärer med anknytning till bygden (Art exhibition, young promising artists with connection to the district), Grängsjö Kapell, Gnarp, Sweden
2011 Konstakademiens stipendiater (The Academy of Fine Arts’ Grants applicants), Konstakademien (The Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts), Stockholm, Sweden
2010 Länskonst 2010, Kvarnen, Söderhamn, Sweden
2009 Labyrinth 09 Writings and observations, Botkyrka konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
2007 ZINE SOUP, Telefon Til Chefen, Copenhagen, Denmark
2007 Vårsalongen, Liljevalchs konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
2006 24 timmars teckningsperformance, Horror Vacui, Höglagret, Stockholm, Sweden
2006 Labyrint, Botkyrka konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
2006 Konstsalong 1 av 3, SAK, Stockholm, Sweden
2006 Kungl. Konsthögskolans Avgångsutställning, Konstakademien (The Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts), Stockholm, Sweden
2005, 2004, 2002 Kungl. Konsthögskolans Vårutställning, Mellanrummet/Galleri Mejan/Konstakademien, Stockholm, Sweden

Grants and project funding:
2021 Krisstipendium 3, Konstnärsnämnden
2021 Stipendium ur Signe och Ragnar Edlings fond, Konstakademien
2016 Sveriges Bildkonstnärsfonds ettåriga arbetsstipendium (The Visual Arts Fund’s one-year working grant)
2011 Stiftelsen Aina Jacobsons stipendium (The foundation Aina Jacobson’s grant)
2007 Tilldelad medel för konstnärligt utvecklingsarbete (KU) för projektet Jenny *1910 †2006 – ett konstprojekt med utgångspunkt i ett dödsbo, ett samarbete med Nanna de Wilde och Kristina Stark (Assigned funding for research and development in the arts (KU) for the project Jenny *1910 †2006 – an art project with its starting point in an estate of a deceased, a collaboration with Nanna de Wilde and Kristina Stark)
2006 Kungl. Konsthögskolans Avgångsstipendium (Royal Institute of Art’s Final Year Grant)
2004 Fredrika-Bremer-Förbundets studiestipendium (Fredrika-Bremer-Federation’s scholarship)

2022 The illustrations
Skogskovall (ur samlingarna) II, nysört (ur samlingarna) II and rallarros (ur samlingarna) II, for Veronica Montana’s text H som i emma, published in the periodical Hjärnstorm, #146–147
2021 The illustrations Vissa människor tål inte sprit, Blackbirds, Allt finns bara i hennes huvud and nästan for Mariam Naraghi’s text Medeas Medea, published in the the periodical Hjärnstorm, #142–143
2020 The illustration La Défense, for Viktor Emanuelssons text Walter Benjamin och samlarens minnen, published in the the periodical Hjärnstorm, #140–141
The text Sitt inte på kanten, sätt dig här. (In Swedish.) A meeting with Carolina Hindsjö and her art. Published in the the periodical Hjärnstorm, #136
2019 The illustration Ur Samlingarna (munnarna, nattfjärilar, black, snart, vinden, innan, pärlor, språket)(From the Collections (mouths, moths, black, soon, the wind, before, pearls, tongue)), published in the periodical Hjärnstorm, #133
2018 The images TRÖSTANDET (THE CONSOLATION) and TRÖSTANDET (THE CONSOLATION), published in the periodical Hjärnstorm, #129
2016 Illustration published in the periodical Hjärnstorm, #125
2014 The text Tillgång till horisonten (Access to Horizon), published in the periodical Hjärnstorm, #118
2013 The text Vi två (The two of Us), published in the periodical Hjärnstorm, #114
2012 Illustrations published in the periodical Hjärnstorm, #111-112
2012 Participated in the periodical Hjärnstorm, issue 110
2011 Jenny *1910 †2006, a book-box published at satumaa*kustantamo. A collaboration with Nanna de Wilde and Kristina Stark
2008 Participated in Foam Album 08
2008 Participated in Foam Magazine, international photography magazine, issue 17/08
2005 Drawings published in the periodical Lyrikvännen, issue 4/05

Lectures and talks:
2019 Giving a one hour long presentation of the exhibition Ur Samlingarna 2011–2019 at Bergagalleriet, Solna, Sweden
2019 Giving a short presentation of her art and the exhibition Ur Samlingarna 2011–2019 at Bergagalleriet, Solna, Sweden
2013 Seminar at Motala Konsthall. Participants: The artists Terese Bolander, Kristina Stark and Nanna de Wilde. Mikael Billemar, priest, Charlottenborgskyrkan and Marie Ohlsén, archaeologist and head of the department at Östergötlands länsmuseum (The countymuseum of Östergötland)
2012 Lecture on the work with the project Jenny *1910 †2006 – an art project with its starting point in an estate of a deceased, together with Nanna de Wilde and Kristina Stark during SSF’s, the Association of Swedish Professional Photographers, inspiration day at Fotografiska in Stockholm, Sweden
2010 Lecture on the work with the project Jenny *1910 †2006 – an art project with its starting point in an estate of a deceased, together with Nanna de Wilde and Kristina Stark, Verkstad – ett rum för konst i Norrköping (Verkstad – a room for art in Norrköping), Norrköping, Sweden
2010 Presentation of the exhibition Jenny *1910 †2006 for students from the Royal Institute of Art, together with Nanna de Wilde and Kristina Stark, Västmanlands läns museum (The countymuseum of Västmanland), Västerås, Sweden
2010 Public talk with Carl-Magnus Gagge, Camilla Larsson, Nanna de Wilde and Kristina Stark at the second release of the publication Jenny *1910 †2006, El Mundo, Stockholm, Sweden
2009 Presentation of the project Jenny *1910 †2006 – an art project with its starting point in an estate of a deceased, together with Nanna de Wilde and Kristina Stark, KU-days, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden
2009 Public talk with Carl-Magnus Gagge, Nanna de Wilde and Kristina Stark at the opening of the exhibition Jenny *1910 †2006, Västmanlands läns museum (The countymuseum of Västmanland), Västerås, Sweden

2020 Leader of study circles in drawing at Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Stockholm, Sweden
2018-2020 Leader of study circles in drawing (for adults and children) and fine art (for children) at Folkuniversitetet, Stockholm, Sweden
2012-(ongoing) Member of the editorial staff at the periodical Hjärnstorm

2015-2017 Supervisor in fine art at Hallunda daily activities (daily activities are a legal right in accordance with the Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments -LSS), Botkyrka, Sweden
2016 Participated with a picture in the art project Magnetic JPG, a collaboration between the artists Annelie Nilsson and Cecilia Sering.
2016 Leader of a study circle in drawing at Sensus studieförbund, Stockholm, Sweden
2016 Donated an art piece to Candyland’s art sale for benefitting Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders
2013 The publication Jenny *1910 †2006 was shown at Galleri Mejan, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden, during the Royal Institute of Art’s research week, October 21-24

2013 Participated in UKA, Ulvsunda Konst Ateljéer’s OPEN STUDIOS, September 13-14
2010 Participated with a text in Textival’s Lövverket a piece that was shown during the Book days in Dalsland July 31 – August 1, Sweden
2009 Coeditor of the publication Jenny *1910 †2006, published by Västmanlands läns museum (The countymuseum of Västmanland)
2008 Leader of a study circle in drawing at Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Haninge, Sweden
2007 Publishing the Fanzine Emma&Terese, a collaboration with Emma Zakrisson